By Chris Rossini
This is pretty bad:
Where on Earth does Sanders see "unfettered free trade"?
He surely can't see it here in the U.S. The federal government is the largest government in mankind's history! Just take a look at the number of pages in the federal register:
And that's just the federal government. Add in the state and local governments, and we Americans are drowning in red tape and regulations. You can barely make a move without having to get some kind of bureaucratic approval to trade.
What about international trade? Is it "unfettered"? No way!! NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP....and the rest of the acronym soup are all government-regulated trade. These are all government-to-government agreements that run into the thousands of pages. They are littered with red tape, restrictions, and cronyism. Just because these monstrosities have the words "free trade" in the titles doesn't actually make it so. The signatory governments are merely playing to public naiveté. Real, and "unfettered" free trade would mean governments would get out of the way. Is Bernie Sanders trying to pull the wool over his followers' eyes? We'd be lucky to have "unfettered free trade". Sadly, it's nowhere to be seen. Comments are closed.
January 2025