By Chris Rossini American universities have become political correctness factories. Every year, a new flock of graduates, thoroughly indoctrinated in the ideas of "Cultural Marxism," come into the real world only to see victims everywhere! And of course, government and its violent force must be used to save these supposed victims. Why do they see victims everywhere? Why do they see them in advertisements, speeches, tv shows, movies and even bathrooms? Why is someone always publicly apologizing for something? How did this bizarro world come to be? Well, as libertarians are always preaching: ideas run the world. Nothing is more powerful than an idea that has come to dominate in people's minds. And it matters not that the idea be right or wrong, good or evil. Results will be produced accordingly. The ideas of Cultural Marxism have hardened into beliefs in so many people, especially in those that come out of American universities. The beliefs act as goggles that these individuals view the world through. All of us tend to notice in the world those things which match our internal beliefs, and the thoughts that dominate our thinking. For example, did you ever buy a new car, and then all of a sudden notice the very same make and model all over the roads being driven by others? I remember when I was waiting for my SUV to arrive. I saw people driving it everywhere, and in every color. Let's take another example. Imagine a hypothetical family party at your house. A cousin, who is a builder, notices the crown molding and admires your cove lighting. Everyone else walks around the room as if the lights aren't there. Meanwhile, your uncle, who is an optometrist, notices all the different types of glasses that everyone wears. And finally, with you being a barber, you can't help noticing who in your family needs a haircut. We tend to notice and perceive those things that dominate our thinking. Well, American universities are training innocent kids to see the world in a specific way. Since the "class struggle" of Marxism turned out to be totally bogus, a new idea was hatched: that society consists of "oppressor classes" and the "oppressed classes". You can think of this as a totalitarian pivot by the ivory tower intellectuals. Cultural Marxism has various branches, or offshoots, that you may have heard of like: political correctness, modern feminism, pansexualism, and multiculturalism. The "oppressed" include, LGBT, women, minorities, and many other groups. The "oppressor class" consists of white heterosexual males, and any established norm or standard in society. So when a retail giant puts out an advertisement to make customers aware of their products, the indoctrinated university graduate will scream "racism"! After all, only white children appear in the ad, while other races are not being "fairly" represented. Likewise, when a women makes less then a man, the university student will cry "sexism"! They do not (and certainly will not) look into why the discrepancy in pay comes about organically. They have no interest in facts and economics. The only conclusion that they're capable of seeing is "sexism." Of course, cultural marxists gravitate to violent government like bees to honey. Since human nature is what it is, the thought police have no patience for peaceful persuasion. Trying to convince others of their off-the-wall ideas would take much more work and persistence than they're willing to put out. So violence is their chosen tool. They want the government gun. Of course, this works out pretty well for government and its gaggle of tinpot dictators, does it not? Government meddlers are always standing ready to implement the impossible. The root of the PC mobs and thought police are group of mistaken ideas. They can't help but see victims around every turn, which is an unfortunate way to live and view this amazing world of ours. They can use a good course on individual responsibility, voluntary interactions, and private property. Unfortunately, they won't get that at the schools and universities. Call Monday-Friday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM (PST)
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February 2025