By Chris Rossini
It's quite easy to look out at the world to see the walls of tyranny closing in. Government here .... Government there ... Government everywhere. It would be easy (yet foolish) to come to the conclusion that freedom and liberty are on their last leg and gasping for their last breath. But as dark as things may appear, liberty is not going anywhere. To believe that politicians will stamp out Liberty everywhere on Earth is equivalent to thinking that they will abolish gravity everywhere that it exists. We're all born free. It's a natural part of our make-up. Liberty is baked into the cake, and once it's baked in, there's no taking it out. So, here's some food for thought: Instead of walking around and believing that the world will come to an end under the boots of a bunch of oligarchs, what if one were to operate under the belief that "liberty will prevail?' Yeah, we're getting groped by the TSA, but liberty will prevail. Yeah, we're all suffering under mountains of bogus "regulations," but liberty will prevail. Yeah, the politically-correct crowd is ruining our culture, but liberty will prevail. Yeah, the military empire is stretched beyond belief, and has bled Americans dry, but liberty will prevail. It kinda makes the story (while bad) a lot less bad. After all, the truth always wins in the long-run, so this new belief is in line with logic. But there's another powerful reason why this little tweak in belief is so important: We tend to see what we already believe, and what dominates our thoughts. I remember right before I purchased my latest car, I noticed it everywhere on the road. I started to think that everyone owned it! A few days later, I stopped noticing it out on the road. It no longer dominated my thinking. Here's another example...Go to party and the dentist in the crowd will notice everyone's teeth. He can't help it. The builder will notice the crown molding. No one else notices the crown molding, but the builder spots it right away. We tend to notice things in the outside world that match our beliefs and the thoughts that are dominating at the moment. So how does this apply to liberty? Well, if one walks around with the belief that liberty has no chance and that the authoritarians have won, what will that person notice? How helpful to the cause of liberty will that person be? Not very helpful at all. He's stuck in his mental world where the false defeats the truth. His mind is shut. But what about the person who will never accept that the truth will be defeated? What about the person who believes that no matter what happens, liberty will prevail sooner or later? That's the person who will spot opportunity! He'll see everything that the "government will destroy all of our lives" guy is unable to see. He'll have the spark within himself to speak out. He'll be one of the people that make sure liberty prevails sooner, rather than later. Liberty is going to prevail, regardless. Tyranny comes and goes. It has no staying power. Inborn liberty is always there, and never leaves. How much better for each of our individual lives to adopt a belief that aligns with these facts. Comments are closed.
January 2025