Why is the Pentagon spending billions of dollars purchasing Soviet and east European weapons to ship to Syrian rebels? A blockbuster Bulgarian investigative report exposes the lies and illegality of the purchases and shipments; several mainstream investigations corroborate the Bulgarian report. Investigative Reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva joins the Liberty Report to explain her findings -- and why they got her interrogated and fired. Read the investigative report here.
By Liberty Report Staff
Sanctions are an act of war. They are a form of blockade. They hurt the innocent civilians of the targeted country, and leave the leaders unscathed. Often, sanctions strengthen the leaders, since they can point at the blockade as the reason for the people's misery. What do you think American politicians would do if another nation blockaded us? Do you think they would blame themselves? Cuba should've taught America a lesson...Sanctions hurt innocents! Sadly, that lesson was not learned. North Korea is quite possibly the most impoverished nation on Earth. Isn't it bad enough that North Koreans must suffer under a brutal Socialist system? Must America now kick these innocent people while they're down? The American government's answer to that question is "Yes," and the American President even brags about it on Twitter.
Today President Trump tweeted:
Too bad?
Do we have a collectivist president? Does the president realize that there isn't an entity called "North Korea" that feels pain? Individuals feel pain. North Korea consists of millions of individual people; people that have goals, values, families, friends, etc. They try to survive and be happy the best that they can .... just like we do! A foreign country is now adding to the Socialist pain that they have to deal with on a daily basis. A foreign country is coming in and kicking these innocent people when they're down. Too bad?
We're witnessing a battle between authoritarian groups in America. The "Alt-Right" and Cultural Marxists are fighting to control a government that is bankrupt, doesn't follow the Constitution, and controls a foreign empire that is running on fumes. Ron Paul describes our dilemma.
By Stephen Kinzer
In a democracy, no one should be comforted to hear that generals have imposed discipline on an elected head of state. That was never supposed to happen in the United States. Now it has. Among the most enduring political images of the 20th century was the military junta. It was a group of grim-faced officers — usually three — who rose to control a state. The junta would tolerate civilian institutions that agreed to remain subservient, but in the end enforced its own will. As recently as a few decades ago, military juntas ruled important countries including Chile, Argentina, Turkey, and Greece. These days the junta system is making a comeback in, of all places, Washington. Ultimate power to shape American foreign and security policy has fallen into the hands of three military men: General James Mattis, the secretary of defense; General John Kelly, President Trump’s chief of staff; and General H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser. They do not put on their ribbons to review military parades or dispatch death squads to kill opponents, as members of old-style juntas did. Yet their emergence reflects a new stage in the erosion of our political norms and the militarization of our foreign policy. Another veil is dropping. Given the president’s ignorance of world affairs, the emergence of a military junta in Washington may seem like welcome relief. After all, its three members are mature adults with global experience — unlike Trump and some of the wacky political operatives who surrounded him when he moved into the White House. Already they have exerted a stabilizing influence. Mattis refuses to join the rush to bomb North Korea, Kelly has imposed a measure of order on the White House staff, and McMaster pointedly distanced himself from Trump’s praise for white nationalists after the violence in Charlottesville. Being ruled by generals seems preferable to the alternative. It isn’t. Military officers, like all of us, are products of their background and environment. The three members of Trump’s junta have 119 years of uniformed service between them. They naturally see the world from a military perspective and conceive military solutions to its problems. That leads toward a distorted set of national priorities, with military “needs” always rated more important than domestic ones.
By Liberty Report Staff
As American politicians foam at the mouth in anticipation of dragging us into yet another unconstitutional and unnecessary war in Korea, we may want to ponder a few words from General Douglas MacArthur. MacArthur led the first major error of America involving itself in a civil war 6000 miles away from home. The error had nothing whatsoever to do with defending America. It was pure military adventurism. After the fact, MacArthur explained how the government keeps the war racket going. In 1965, he said: “Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant funds demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real.”
Government tactics are exactly the same almost 70 years later. When Americans are afraid, government capitalizes. Only the names of the warmongers have changed.
In the first Korean War, many millions needlessly went to early graves. Must the same fatal error happen again? Didn't Trump promise "America" First? When will Americans stop being afraid?
Politicians are known to be avid liars. Why is that? The obvious reason is because there are no ramifications. When a politician campaigns, he's not under oath or contract. Legally, he can say whatever gets the votes. Once a government moves beyond the protection of liberty, it becomes a government of, by, and for the greatest liars.
By Liberty Report Staff
Washington is a very poor representation of the American people. Americans are against the carousel of perpetual wars. Every election goes to the candidate that promises to end the senseless militarism. Of course, it never happens. Ron Paul discusses Senator Rand Paul's fight against the forever wars:
Why does President Trump listen to Nikki Haley and the neocons as they lie about the Iran deal? The same people and the same lies that brought us the Iraq disaster are trying to bring us an Iran disaster.
By Liberty Report Staff
Much attention is being paid to Hillary Clinton's excuses for losing the election last year. We've all seen the headlines. She's blaming everyone but herself. But instead of bashing Hillary Clinton the person, it would be much wiser to look at her underlying philosophy and find the errors there. You see, it makes perfect sense for Hillary to reject personal responsibility for losing. Accepting responsibility would effectively nullify her entire political career. Clinton's claim to fame is victimhood. Millions of Americans have latched onto the belief that they are perpetual victims, and that Hillary will fight for them and get them free things. Hillary will force others to act in certain ways, and force others to think in certain ways. If Hillary Clinton, all of a sudden, said "I am responsible," it would shatter the whole edifice that she has built over all these years. Hillary is an example to her followers. If she sets an example of personal responsibility, it teaches her followers to do the same thing. If they, in turn, accept personal responsibility, the victimology gravy train would cease to exist. So of course Hillary would blame the Russians, Bernie Sanders, Jim Comey, and even "millions of white people". Doing so keeps her victimology career alive and profitable. Not only are Hillary's followers victims ... but now she can really feel their pain and be the victim too.
Let's say that you've bought into the victim mindset, and you want out. Where do you begin?
Well, the very first place is to accept that you are an individual human being. The first thing that victimology manipulators do is lump you into groups. You're supposed to identify yourself as a part of a group. This is done to strip you of your individuality. Instead of thinking or questioning things, you're meant to follow what the herd believes, and what the victimology shepherd has instructed the herd to believe. In reality, you are an exquisitely unique individual. No one else is like you. No one else will ever be like you. What you see through your own eyes, and how you interpret it, is yours and yours alone. That doesn't mean that you're alone. Far from it. Luckily there are other individuals around, or you wouldn't be here for very long. But the key is to recognize that they are unique individuals too. They too are one-of-a-kind. Once you get that, it becomes barbaric to even consider forcing other individuals to act like you, or think like you. The very fact that they are different gives life all of its flavor. Leaving the victimhood cult is not easy. In fact, it's probably very scary. Liberty puts you in charge. It's your natural state. In fact, you're so free that you can accept your freedom, or you can reject it and put the "authorities" in charge. There are always plenty of "authorities" waiting for you to throw in the towel. That's no way to live.
By Chris Rossini
The media is trying to convince us that "Medicare for All" is popular. They keep repeating it as if popularity is some kind of criteria for truth. First of all, if something is really popular, there's no reason to incessantly tell us about it. We would know. It would be obvious. The "climate change" crowd uses the same exact tactic. They try to ram their statism into our consciousness 24/7, and they're always telling us about "majorities" and "most Americans". Since when is a "majority" something sacred? If "most Americans" think that concentration camps and gulags are OK, are we simply supposed to get on board because "the majority" is for them? Truth is the truth, even if there's only 1 person out of 7 billion that adheres to it. The idea that healthcare is a "right" is simply not true.
Rights do not come from the government.
Our rights to our life, liberty and property are inherent. They are a part of our nature, and prior to the formation of any group that calls itself government. Our rights are only restricted by the life, liberty and property of our neighbors. We cannot steal, kill or defraud them. We cannot use aggressive force against their person or property. Doing so would be a violation of their rights to life, liberty and property. Force is only justified in defense. That is, if someone else uses aggression against you or your property, it is justified to use force to repel that aggression. That's it! --- You keep your hands off me and my stuff --- I keep my hands off you and your stuff. For most people, this makes perfect sense. And thankfully, most people live this way. However, a strong temptation arises with the government. The same exact people will think: "I won't steal from my neighbor. I won't use force against him. That would be wrong. Instead, I'll use the government to do these things to my neighbor. The government will do it on my behalf .... My conscience is clean. The government will act as the aggressor for me." This warped philosophy ... This loophole for immorality ... This cowardly excuse ... is what destroys civilizations. It reaches the point where people are walking around claiming that "healthcare is a right"! How can that possibly be? How can you have a right to another person's labor? Is the laborer your slave? Haven't we moved beyond the idea of slavery yet? There is no such thing as a "right to healthcare"...even if everyone thinks it's cool and popular. There is a right, however, to voluntarily exchange for someone else's labor. You can trade something with the laborer for his services. It's a win-win. Both of you agree to the terms. There is no aggression <---- You also have a right to receive charity from someone who is voluntarily giving it. There is no aggression <---- This idea (i.e., Liberty) is far superior to anything that government can pretend to provide. Popularity tells us very little about the truth. Majorities are usually on the opposite side of the truth (especially on political matters). "Hands off" is a much better philosophy than the concoction of make believe "rights". |
January 2025